all software here stated as free software is licensed under the Gnu Public License (GPL).
free stuff for the ROLAND TD-30 e-drum module

Ableton Live
hardware instrument and Instrument Rack for the integration of the ROLAND TD-30 into Ableton Live.
this works with audio over USB and/or the 8+2 analog channels.
before the installation of a drum / instrument rack the requirerd hardware instrument must be there.
- load the TD-30 hardware instrument into Live (i.e. by dragging onto a new MIDI track).
- check and - if rerquired - select the proper MIDI device and channel for your TD-30 in the external instrument
- save the hardware instrument by the floppy disc symbol on the hardware instrument (swap to the instrument / fx pane of the track if rerquired to see the instrument)
- load the TD-30 drum rack into Live (i.e. by dragging it onto a new MIDI track)
- if you do not see the chain list of the rack, open the chain view
- go trough each chain list element by click and check the proper audio input settings (be aware that only the blue lines have audio inputs - all other have to be leaved with "no input")
TD-30 drum rack (requires "TD-30" external instrument) (ver 1.0)
TD-30 external instrument
Drum rack for drivin BFD3 in Live (BFD3 installation is required):
TD-30 drum rack for BFD3 (ver 1.0)
Toontrack EZ2
Drum rack for drivin Toontracks EZ drummer 2 in Live (Toontrack Easy Drummer 2 installation is required):
TD-30 drum rack for EZ2 (ver 1.0)
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